About the Manuals
If you are looking for documentation for the commercial
parts of our product line, e g SiteBuilder, LogView, IntraSeek,
Roxen Platform's support for XSLT or similar, refer to the manual
tab of your own server's administration interface; we do not
provide those chapters of the manual on this site.
As we strive to keep these manuals living documents, the newest updates can always be found at
docs.roxen.com or available for download through our Roxen
WebServer update client. If you have suggestions, comments or complaints regarding this manual
don't hesitate to send an email to
and if the issue is an obvious bug don't hesitate to report it to
Bug Crunch, our bug tracking system. The manual
available here was last updated on Thursday 2001-07-19, 14:35.
The following typographical conventions will be used throughout this manual
to indicate special parts of the text:
Convention | Meaning |
Fixed width
is used to indicate paths, URLs,
HTML/RXML tags and code examples.
is used to indicate variables, modules,
attributes, file-extensions and tabs. Italics is also used to indicate menu
names and menu items, and to emphasize important words and expressions in
plain text.
indicates important information, e.g.
information that is important to avoid problems or terms that are easily
Layout issues
Many of the images in the manual are scaled down to half the
original size to save space and maintain consistency throughout the
manual. These images can often be enlarged for better viewing by
clicking on them.