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<?perl ?>
<?pike ?>

Programming Tags

Programming tags can be used for advanced RXML such as making web applications. There are also tags of interest to module programmers. For those interested in combining programming with RXML, the <?pike ?> and <?perl ?> processing instruction tags enables embedded Pike and Perl code in RXML pages.

Name Description Needed Module 
<?perl ?>   Perl processing instruction tag.   Perl support  
<?pike ?>   Pike processing instruction tag.   Pike tag  
<cache>   This simple tag RXML parse its contents and cache them using the normal Roxen memory cache.   RXML 2 tags  
<crypt>   Encrypts the contents as a Unix style password.   RXML 2 tags  
<debug>   Helps debugging RXML-pages as well as modules.   RXML 2 tags  
<dice>   Simulates a D&D style dice algorithm.   Additional RXML tags  
<eval>   Postparses its content.   RXML 2 parser  
<gauge>   Measures how much CPU time it takes to run its contents through the RXML parser.   RXML 2 tags  
<maketag>   Makes it possible to create tags.   RXML 2 tags  
<nooutput>   The contents will not be sent through to the page.   RXML 2 parser  
<noparse>   The contents of this container tag won't be RXML parsed.   RXML 2 parser  
<set-max-cache>   Sets the maximum time this document can be cached in any ram caches.   RXML 2 tags  
<trace>   Executes the contained RXML code and makes a trace report about how the contents are parsed by the RXML parser.   RXML 2 parser