Emulates a subset of sed operations in RXML. (Sed is the
Unix "Stream EDitor" program which edits a stream of text according to
a set of instructions.)
- append
- chars
- lines
- prepend
- split=<linesplit>
- suppress
Syntax :
<sed [suppress] [lines] [chars] [split=<linesplit>]
[append] [prepend]>
<e [rxml]>edit command</e>
<raw>raw, unparsed data</raw>
<rxml>data run in rxml parser before edited</rxml>
<source variable|cookie=name [rxml]>
<destination variable|cookie=name>
edit commands supported:
<firstline>,<lastline><edit command>
^^ numeral (17) ^^
or relative (+17, -17)
or a search regexp (/regexp/)
or multiple (17/regexp//regexp/+2)
D - delete first line in space
G - insert hold space
H - append current space to hold space
P - print current data
a<string> - insert
c<string> - change current space
d - delete current space
h - copy current space to hold space
i<string> - print string
l - print current space
p - print first line in data
q - quit evaluating
s/regexp/with/x - replace
y/chars/chars/ - replace chars
where line is numeral, first line==1