Graphics tags
Good looking graphics are an important part of the layout of web
pages. But creating graphics can also be very time consuming,
especially if it involves creating the same type of headings, only
with different text.
Therefore, Challenger features graphic tags that create images.
They can be used to draw analog clocks and graphical headings as well
as diagrams.
File Formats
Some of the tags take images as attributes. For example, to use as
background. The images can be in GIF, JPEG, PNM or PNG format.
Color Attributes
Color attributes can be specified in one of the following ways:
- name
For example black or darkred.
- #RGB value
The color is specified as a
hexadecimal-digits, #RRGGBB. For example, #ffdead or
- @HSV value
The color is specified with the syntax
@h,s,v where h is the hue specified as degrees (0 to 359), s
is the saturation specified as a percentage and v the value also
specified as a percentage. For example, @150,70,70.
- %CMTK value
The color is specified with the syntax
%c,m,t,k where all the values are percentages. For example,
The graphics tags are:
- <gtext>
Renders a GIF image of the
- <diagram>
Draws draw pie,
bar, or line charts as well as graphs.
- <gclock>
Draws an analogue clock that
will always show the right time.
- <pimage>
A Pike tag optimized for
creating images or GIF animations.
- <imgs>
Works like an <img> tag
where the server automatically sets the width and height attributes.
- <config_tablist>
Generates a
list of tabs, like the one in the configuration interface.