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Image maps

Image maps are used for images where you can click on different parts to go to different pages. Nowadays, this is usually handled in the browser, by client-side image maps. But it is also possible to do this in the server. This is done through .map files, where you define which page the user should be brought to when clicking somewhere on the image.

The HTML code needed to use an image map is:

  <img src=image.gif ismap>
For server-side image maps to work the ISMAP image-maps module must be enabled. The map file is a text file where one clickable area is defined per line. The file will be scanned one line at a time till a directive that includes the point the user clicked is found. The possible directives are:
(X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2) URL
(X1, Y1) are the coordinates of the upper left corner of a rectangular area whose lower right corner has the coordinates (X2, Y2). Any point inside the rectangle will take the user to the URL.

Any point inside the circle centered at (X,Y) and with the radius R will take the user to the URL.

This specifies a single point and ties a URL to it. If more than one point is specified in the file, the one closest to the position on which the user clicks will be used.

ppm: path
Use the PPM file referred to by path. Each color in that file may give a different URL.

pgm: path
As PPM, but the file is a grey scale file.

In all PPM files referenced, this color will point to the URL. r,g and b are decimal integers between 0 and 255 and the color defined is the combination of the red (r), green (g) and blue (b) intensities. If the file searched is a grey scale PGM file, the grey scale will be (r+g+b)/3.

All colors in the range will point to URL. If the file searched is a PGM (grey scale) picture, the grey scale will be (r+g+b)/3.

All colors with an intensity falling within the range will point to URL.

The url URL will be returned if nothing else matched. Don't forget to set it.

The url URL will be returned if the client doesn't support image maps or if the map file is accessed without coordinates.