Creates a self verifying input widget.
- fail-if-failed="name"
The verification of this variable will always fail if the
verification of a named variable also failed.
- ignore-if-false
Don't verify if the false flag i set.
- ignore-if-failed="name"
Don't verify if the verification of a named variable failed.
- ignore-if-verified="name"
Don't verify if the verification of a named variable succeeded.
- name="string"
The name of the variable that should be set.
- value="anything"
The default value of this input widget.
- scope="name" (vinput)
The name of the scope that is created in this tag.
- trim
Trim the variable before verification.
- type="{int, float, email, date, text, string}"
Set the type of the data that should be input, and hence what
widget should be used and how the input should be verified.
- minlength="number"
Verify that the variable has at least this many characters. Only
available when using the type string or text.
- maxlength="number"
Verify that the variable has at most this many characters. Only
available when using the type string or text.
- is="empty"
Verify that the variable is empty. Pretty useless... Only available
when using the type string or text.
- glob="pattern"
Verify that the variable match a certain glob pattern. Only available
when using the type string or text.
- regexp="pattern"
Verify that the variable match a certain regexp pattern. Only
available when using the type string or text.
- case="{upper, lower}"
Verify that the variable is all uppercased (or all lowercased). Only
available when using the type string or text.
- equal="string"
Verify that the variable is equal to a given string. Pretty
useless... Only available when using the type string or text.
- disable-domain-check
Only available when using the email type. When set the email domain
will not be checked against a DNS to verify that it does exists.
- mode="{before, after, complex}"
Select how to treat the contents of the vinput container. Before puts
the contents before the input tag, and after puts it after, in the
event of failed verification. If complex, use one tag
<verified> for what should be outputted in the event of
successful verification tag <failed> for every other event.
<tr><td>upper</td><vinput name='a' case='upper' mode='complex'>
<verified><td bgcolor=green></verified>
<failed><td bgcolor=red></failed>&_.input:none;</td>
<tr><td><input type='submit' /></td></tr>
- min="number"
Check that the number is at least the given. Only available when
using the type int or float.
- max="number"
Check that the number is at most the given. Only available when using
the type int or float.
- optional
Indicates that the variable should only be tested if it does contain