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Provided by module: HTML washer

This tag is mostly useful for turning user freetext input from a form into HTML intelligently, by turning sections of the text separated by more than one newline into <p>paragraphs</p>, filtering out or explicitly allowing some HTML tags in the input and creating <a>anchor-links</a> out of potential www-addresses.



Leave all tags containing info intact. Overrides the value of keep-tags and keep-containers. This attribute is useful together with the attributes unparagraphify and unlink.

<wash-html keep-all=''>
  Some text, <i>italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <i><b>bold italic</b></i>.

  <hr>A little image:<img src='/internal-roxen-next'>.
Some text, italic, bold, bold italic.
A little image:.


Comma-separated array of empty element <tags> not to filter. Quote all other empty element tags i.e. transform "<", ">" and "&" to "&lt;", "&gt;" and "&amp;".

<wash-html keep-tags='hr'>
  Some text, <i>italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <i><b>bold italic</b></i>.

  <hr />A litle image:<img src='/internal-roxen-next'>.
Some text, <i>italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <i><b>bold italic</b></i>.
A litle image:<img src='/internal-roxen-next'>.


Comma-separated array of <container>...</> tags not to filter. Quote all other container tags e.i. transform "<", ">" and "&" to "&lt;", "&gt;" and "&amp;".

<wash-html keep-containers='b'>
  Some text, <i>italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <i><b>bold italic</b></i>.

  <hr>A little image:<img src='/internal-roxen-next'>.
Some text, <i>italic</i>, bold, <i>bold italic</i>. <hr>A little image:<img src='/internal-roxen-next'>.


Makes text that looks like it might be useful as a link, e g, into a link. Text that starts with "http://", "https://", "ftp://", "www." or "http." will be converted to a clickable link with the text as the link label.

<wash-html linkify='' keep-containers='a' keep-tags='br'>
  <a href="">Roxen docs</a><br /><br />
Roxen docs


Undo a linkify-conversion. Only the links that has the same label as address will be converted to plain text.

<wash-html unlinkify='' keep-tags='br' keep-containers='a'>
  <a href=""></a><br />
  <a href="">Roxen IS</a>
Roxen IS


If more than one newline exists between two text elements, this attribute automatically makes the next text element into a paragraph.

<wash-html paragraphify=''>
A Paragraph

An other paragraph.
And some more text to the same paragraph.

A Paragraph

An other paragraph. And some more text to the same paragraph.


Turn paragraph breaks into double newlines instead.

<pre><wash-html unparagraphify=''>
<p>A Paragraph<p>

<p>An other paragraph.
And some more text to the same paragraph.</p>
A Paragraph

An other paragraph.
And some more text to the same paragraph.

The <pre> is only used in the example for layout-purposes.


Terminate all tags with an ending slash, making them XML-compliant.