<?pike ?>
Provided by module: Pike tag
This processing intruction
tag allows for evaluating Pike code directly in the document.
Note: With this tag, users are able to run programs with the same
right as the server. This is a serious security hasard.
When the pike tag returns, the contents of the output buffer is
inserted into the page. It is not reparsed with the RXML parser.
Use entities within the Pike code, scope.variable is handled like
&scope.variable; in RXML.
Note: It is still possible to use the
<pike>...</pike> container tag, though it behaves
exactly as it did in Roxen 2.0 and earlier and the functionality
mentioned below does not apply to it. The use of the container tag is
Below is a list of special helper functions and constructs which
are only available within the <?pike ?> tag.
- write
write(string fmt, mixed ... args) is a helper function. It formats a
string in the same way as printf and appends it to the output buffer.
If given only one string argument, it's written directly to the
output buffer without being interpreted as a format specifier.
- flush
flush() is a helper function. It returns the contents of the output
buffer and resets it.
- rxml
rxml(string rxmlcode) is a helper function. It parses the string with
the RXML parser.
- "//O ..." or "/*O ... */"
Pike comment with an 'O' (the letter, not the number) as the very
first character treats the rest of the text in the comment as output
text that's written directly to the output buffer.
- "//X ..." or "/*X ... */"
A Pike comment with an 'X' as the very first character treats the
rest of the text in the comment as RXML code that's executed by the
RXML parser and then written to the output buffer.
- #include "..."
An #include preprocessor directive includes the specified file.
- #inherit "..."
An #inherit preprocessor directive puts a corresponding inherit
declaration in the class that's generated to contain the Pike code in
the tag, i.e. it inherits a specified file from the Roxen filesystem.
//O <pre>
int first = 1;
for( var.counter=100; var.counter>1; var.counter--,first=0 )
if( !first )
//X &var.counter; bottles of beer on the wall
//X &var.counter; bottles of beer on the wall
//X &var.counter; bottles of beer
//O take one down, pass it around
//O one bottle of beer on the wall
//O one bottle of beer
//O take it down, pass it around
//O no bottles of beer on the wall
//O </pre>