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Provided by module: RXML 2 tags

This simple tag RXML parse its contents and cache them using the normal Roxen memory cache. They key used to store the cached contents is the MD5 hash sum of the contents, the accessed file name, the query string, the server URL and the authentication information, if available. This should create an unique key. The time during which the entry should be considered valid can set with one or several time attributes. If not provided the entry will be removed from the cache when it has been untouched for too long.



Append this value to the hash used to identify the contents for less risk of incorrect caching. This shouldn't really be needed.


The cached entry will use only the provided key as cache key.


Add this number of years to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of months to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of weeks to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of days to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of hours to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of beats to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of minutes to the time this entry is valid.


Add this number of seconds to the time this entry is valid.