
: Interface LocationModule
Interface LocationModule
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AbstractLocationModule
- public abstract interface LocationModule
The interface for modules which have a specific URL path in the
virtual file system.
- See Also:
public java.lang.String queryLocation()
- Returns the URL path handled by this module.
- Returns:
- the path name
public RoxenResponse findFile(java.lang.String f,
RoxenRequest id)
- Request a file from this module.
- Parameters:
f - the path of the file relative to the location of
this module
id - the request object
- Returns:
- a response, or
null if no such
file exists.
public java.lang.String[] findDir(java.lang.String f,
RoxenRequest id)
- List the contents of a directory.
- Parameters:
f - the path of the directory relative to the location of
this module
id - the request object
- Returns:
- a list of filenames, or
null if no such
directory exists.
public java.lang.String realFile(java.lang.String f,
RoxenRequest id)
- Get the real filename of a file.
- Parameters:
f - the path of the file relative to the location of
this module
id - the request object
- Returns:
- the path of the file in the host filesystem, or
null if this resource is not a real
public int[] statFile(java.lang.String f,
RoxenRequest id)
- Get the attributes of a file or directory.
The attributes are a set of 7 integers. These are:
mode ,
size , atime , mtime ,
ctime , uid , gid .
- Parameters:
f - the path of the file or directory relative to the
location of this module
id - the request object
- Returns:
- the attributes of this file or directory, or
null if this information is not available.