Provided by module: Graphics: Tab list
<tablist> produces graphical navigationtabs. For
example, the Administration interface for Roxen WebServer uses tablists
for easier administration.
The <tablist> tag is by design a wrapper for the <gbutton> tag, i.e. it inherits all <gbutton>
attributes. Also, the <tab> tag is in turn a wrapper for
<tablist> meaning that all attributes which may be given to
<tablist> may also be used in <tab>. Those
attributes given to <tablist> has a global effect on the
tablist, while the same attributes given to a <tab> only will
have a local effect, thus overriding the globally given attribute.
All contents inside <tablist> except for the
<tab> tags will be discarded. <taglist> is used in
this way to make it possible for tabs to look different when they are
for instance first or last in the tablisting.
The <define> tag can be used to
globally define the tablist fgcolor (foreground color). The
define, <define
name="fgcolor">, declared prior to the <tablist>
tag, will be sent as an extra argument to <gbutton>.
<tab selected='selected'>Information</tab>
</tablist> |
- frame-image="" (/internal-roxen-tabframe)
A layered Photoshop (PSD) or Gimp (XCF) image which portrays the
tab's appearance. Descriptions of the different layers follows below.
If a <define
name="frame-image">Image_path</define> definition is
set that image will be the default value instead of
- selcolor="color" (white)
This attribute sets the backgroundcolor for the image. The effect
of this attribute is only shown when the attribute "selected" has
been set. If a <define
name="selcolor">colordefinition</define> definition is
set that color will be the default value instead of white.
- seltextcolor="color" (black)
This attribute sets the textcolor for the image. The effect of this
attribute is only shown when the attribute "selected" has been set.
If a <define
definition is set that color will be the default value instead of
black. If this definition is not present, the attribute
"textcolor", the definition "textcolor" and finally the color
"black" will be tested.
- dimcolor="color" (#003366)
This attribute sets the backgroundcolor for the image. The effect
of this attribute is only shown when the attribute "selected" has
not been set. If a <define
name="dimcolor">colordefinition</define> definition is
set that color will be the default value instead of #003366 .
- textcolor="color" (white)
This attribute sets the textcolor for the image. The effect of this
attribute is only shown when the attribute "selected" has not
been set. If a <define
name="textcolor">colordefinition</define> definition
is set that color will be the default value instead of white
Provided by module: Graphics: Tab list
<tab> defines the layout and function for each and one of the
tabs in the tablisting. <tab> inherits all attributes
available to <tablist>, hence all attributes available to
<gbutton> tag may be used with the <tab>
tag. For instance, the attribute href is very useful when using
<tab> and a part of <gbutton>. For more
information about <gbutton> attributes, see its
The contents of the <tab> is the tabs text.
Below follows a listing of the attributes unique to the
<tab> tag. Also, a listing of how imagelayers may be used is
- selected=""
Using this attribute the layer "selected" in the image will be
shown in the generated image. If this attribute has not been given the
layer "unselected" will be shown in the generated image.
- alt="text" (the tags content)
This attribute sets the alt-text for the tab. By default the
alt-text is fetched from the content between the
Image Layers
These lists shows the function of the different image layers as
well as how one layer from each group may be combined.
- Layer Position
Position layers are the layername prefix.
- first
A layer with this prefix is only shown for
the first <tab> tag inside the <tablist>
- last
A layer with this prefix is only shown for
the last <tab> tag inside the <tablist>
- Layer Focus
Focus layers are the middle part of the layername.
- selected
This layer is only shown when the
attribute selected has been set.
- unselected
This layer is only shown when the
attribute selected has not been set.
- Layer Type
Type layers are the layername suffix.
- [nothing, i.e. ""]
This layer is inserted above
all layers in the image, closest to the viewer that is, if lower
layers are considered to further in inside the monitor.
- mask
This layer should be transparent where the tab
is supposed to be transparent. The only thing that is retrieved from
this layer is the mask; any graphical content here will be thrown
- frame
The framelayer contains the various graphical
elements fromwhich the frame around the button is built. This layer
will always be run in "Multiply" mode, regardless of what mode it
was previously set to. "Multiply" adjusts the framelayers
brightness, i.e. Value ("V" in HSV), without affecting the
colorcomponents, i.e. Hue and Saturation ("HS" in HSV).
- background
This layer will be put beneath the
frame layer and the printed text.
- left
This layer is put on the left side of the
of the generated image, thus increasing the width of the
images left side.
- right
This layer is put on the right side of the
of the generated image, thus increasing the width of the
images right side.
- above
This layer will be shown above the other
parts of the generated image, thus increasing the height of the
images top.
- below
This layer will be shown below the other
parts of the generated image, thus increasing the height of the
images base.
Handling layers
The Position- and Focus-layers give instructions on
when the layer is used while the Type-layers indicates
its function.
Position | Focus | Type |
These three layertypes can be combined into all possible
permutations. The order in the name is always Position Focus
Type, each type separated by a space. If one or two of the three
layertypes is left out, the layer will be shown regardless the extra
criterias that might be choosen. For instance, "selected frame" will
be shown for the "first" and "last" tabs as well as for the ones
in between the two, given that the tab has been marked as
None of these layers are strictly necessary, as long as there
exists at least one layer of the type "background" or "frame". If
all "mask"-layers are left out, the mask will primary be the
framelayer and secondly the backgroundlayer, if the framelayer is not