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DocsRoxen2.1Web Site Creator ManualVariables, Scopes & Entities
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Client Scope
Cookie Scope
Form Scope
Page Scope
Roxen Scope
Var Scope


All variables in RXML 2 are accessed through entities, i.e. &;.

By default, an entity will be HTML encoded, that is, < will be inserted as &lt;, > as &gt; and & as &amp; However, there are instances when that is not what you want, for example, when inserting enitities into SQL queries. Therefore, the encoding can be controlled by applying another encodingscheme on the entity, &scope.entity:scheme;.

Available Encoding Schemes

  • none

    No quoting. This is dangerous and should never be used unless you have total control over the contents of the variable. If the variable contains an RXML tag, the tag will be parsed.

  • html

    The default quoting, for inserting into regular HTML or RXML. Encoded characters are "&", "<", ">", "\"", "\'" and "\000".

  • url

    For inserting variables into URLs. Encoded characters are "\000", " ", "\t", "\n", "\r", "%", "'", "\"", "#", "&", "?", "=", "/" and ":".

  • http

    Uses a subset of the URL encoding scheme. Characters "&" and "?" are not encoded as it would make inserting i.e. variables into http-strings impossible. Encoded characters are "\000", " ", "\t", "\n", "\r", "%", "'" and "\"".

  • cookie

    Uses a subset of the URL encoding scheme. Only the characters "=", ",", ";" and "%" are encoded.

  • pike

    For inserting into Pike strings, for use with the <pike> tag. Encoded characters are "\"", "\\" and "\n".

  • js

    For inserting into Javascript strings. Encoded characters are "\b", "\014", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\\", "'" and "\"".

  • mysql

    For inserting into MySQL SQL queries. Encoded characters are "\"", "'" and "\\".

  • mysql-pike

    For inserting into MySQL SQL queries in pike strings. Encoded characters are "\"", "'", "\\" and "\n".

  • oracle

    For inserting into SQL queries. Encoded characters are "'".