This scope contains information specific to the client/browser that
is accessing the page.
The client prefers to have the page contents
presented in this language.
Prints the URL of the page on which the user followed
a link that brought her to this page. The information comes from the referrer header
sent by the browser.
The full user agent string, i.e. name of the client
and additional info like; operating system, type of computer, etc.
E.g. "Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.7 i86pc)".
The client is located on this IP-address.
The name of the client, i.e. "Mozilla/4.7".
The client prefers to have the page contents
presented in this language but these additional languages are accepted as well.
An ordered list of the clients most preferred
The clients most preferred language.
The full user agent string, i.e. name of the client
and additional info like; operating system, type of computer, etc.
E.g. "mozilla/4.7 [en] (x11; i; sunos 5.7 i86pc)".