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Provided by module: RXML 2 parser

<emit> is a generic tag used to fetch data from a provided source, loop over it and assign it to RXML variables accessible through entities.

Occasionally an <emit> operation fails to produce output. This might happen when <emit> can't find any matches or if the developer has made an error. When this happens the truthvalue of that page is set to false. By using <else> afterwards it's possible to detect when an <emit> operation fails.



The source from which the data should be fetched.

scope="name" (The emit source)

The name of the scope within the emit tag.


Limits the number of rows to this maximum.


Makes it possible to skip the first rows of the result. Negative numbers means to skip everything execept the last n rows.


The number of rows in the result, after it has been limited by maxrows and skiprows, will be put in this variable, if given.


Indicate that at least one loop should be made. All variables in the emit scope will be empty.

&_.counter; (provided by RXML 2 parser)

Gives the current number of loops inside the <emit> tag.