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<if expr></if>

Provided by module: RXML 2 tags

This plugin evaluates expressions. The arithmetic operators are "+, - and /". The last main operator is "%"(per cent). The allowed relationship operators are "<. >, ==, <= and >=".

All integers(characters 0 to 9) may be used together with "." to create floating point expressions.

   Hexadecimal expression: (0xff / 5) + 3

To be able to evaluate hexadecimal expressions the characters "a to f and A to F" may be used.

   Integer conversion: ((int) 3.14)
   Floating point conversion: ((float) 100 / 7)

Conversion between int and float may be done through the operators "(int)" and "(float)". The operators "&"(bitwise and), "|"((pipe)bitwise or), "&&"(logical and) and "||"((double pipe)logical or) may also be used in expressions. To set prioritizations within expressions the characters "( and )" are included. General prioritization rules are:

  1. (int), (float)

  2. *, /, %

  3. +, -

  4. <, >, <=, >=

  5. ==

  6. &, |

  7. &&, ||

   Octal expression: 045

   Calculator expression: 3.14e10 / 3

Expressions containing octal numbers may be used. It is also possible to evaluate calculator expressions.

Expr is an Eval plugin.



Choose what expression to test.