mixed find_file(string path, object id)
The find_file() method is the fundamental method of
a location module, that all location modules need to implement. It is
called when a request is made for an URL within the modules mount
point. path contains the path to the object, in the modules
name space. id contains the request information object.
That the path is in the modules name space means that the path will
only contain the part of the URL after the modules mount point. If a
module is mounted on /test/ and a user requests
http://my.server/test/files/img/hej.gif the module will be
called with a path of files/img/hej.gif. That way the
administrator can set the mount point to anything she wants, and the
module will keep working.
If the module could not find the requested object the return value
is zero. In that case Challenger will move on and try to find in in
other location modules. If the requested object is a directory the
return value is minus one, in which case the request will be handled
by a directory type module.
If the module could handle the request the return value is either a
mapping created with one of the response methods, see the responses chapter, or a Stdio.File
object containing the requested file.