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<emit atlas>
<emit cimg>
<emit dir>
<emit fonts>
<emit js-dynamic-popup>
<emit js-hide-popup>
<emit languages>
<emit ldap>
<emit path>
<emit sources>
<emit sql>
<emit values>

<emit source="ldap"></emit>

Provided by module: Tags: LDAP tags

Use this source to search LDAP directory for information. The result will be available in variables named as the LDAP entries attribute.


server="LDAP URL" (Server URL)

Connection LDAP URL. If omitted the Default server URL will be used.

search-filter="search filter"

Filter of an LDAP search operation. If used that this value rewrites the corresponding part of URL.

basedn="base DN"

Base DN of an LDAP search operation. If used that this value rewrites the corresponding part of URL.

search-scope="search scope"

Scope of an LDAP search operation. If used that this value rewrites the corresponding part of URL.

password="user password"

User password for connection to the directory server. If omitted the default will be used.