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Provided by module: Search: Utils Module

Control the Search Engine. This tag gives a minor control of the search engine to the web desiger.


db="database profile"

The name of the database profile to use.


Provided by module: Search: Utils Module

Send an SiteBuilder directory, or a list of directories, to the indexer.



The directory to send to the indexer, or list of directories.

separator="string" (,)

The separator character for the directory list.


Provided by module: Search: Utils Module

Send an SiteBuilder file, or a list of files, to the indexer.



The file to send to the indexer, or list of files.


Comma-separated list of queries (one per file) to supply while indexing the files specified in the files attribute. Example: <index-file files="news.xml,index.xml" queries="page=1,user=joe"/> would index "news.xml?page=1" and "index.xml?user=joe".

separator="string" (,)

The separator character for the file list.


Provided by module: Search: Utils Module

Send an URL, or a list of URLs, to the crawler. Useful when for instant you know that a page with content based on a database has changed.



The URL to send to the indexer, or list of URLs.

follow-links="{yes, no}" (no)

Should the crawler follow all links on the indexed page or not?

separator="string" (,)

The separator character for the URL list.