- server="URL" (localhost)
The hostname
of the machine that operates the mail server.
- subject="" ([ * No Subject * ])
The subject line.
- from=""
The email address of sender. Values on the form John Doe foo@bar.com
renders a From: header like From: "John Doe" <foo@bar.com>.
If the value contains a '<' the value is left unaltered.
- to=""
The list of recipient email address(es). Separator character can be
defined by the 'separator' attribute.
- cc=""
The list of carbon copy recipient email address(es).
Separator character can be defined by the 'separator' attribute.
- bcc=""
The list of blind carbon copy recipient email address(es).
Separator character can be defined by the 'separator' attribute.
- separator="" (,)
The separator character for the recipient list.
- mimetype="MIME type"
Overrides the MIME type of the body.
- main-mimetype="MIME type"
Overrides the MIME type of the enclosing message when attachments are
used. Default is 'multipart/mixed' but it might be useful to set
this to 'multipart/related' when sending HTML-mail with inlined
- mimeencoding="MIME encoding"
Sets the MIME encoding of the message.
- charset="" (iso-8859-1)
The charset of the body and subject. The body will be encoded in utf-8
if it was not possible to encode the text in the supplied charset. The subject
will be unencoded if possible otherwise encoded with the supplied charset
or encoded in utf-8 if it was not possible to encode the text in the supplied
<email from="foo@bar.com" to="johny@pub.com|pity@bufet.com|ely@rest.com"
separator="|" charset="iso-8859-2" server="mailhub.anywhere.org" >
This is the contents.
</email> |