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Features Missing from MySQL

What's missing?

There are a few very powerful features ANSI SQL provides that we haven't mentioned, and that we won't go into detail on.

The main excu.. ahem, reason for this is that they're quite powerful and complex and thus out of scope for this manual. Furthermore, they're not supported by all SQL servers. MySQL in particular doesn't support them.

The features we're talking about here are views and sub-queries. When your SQL server of choice supports them, Pike and Roxen WebServer can use them.

Also, SQL is designed to support transactions via some special keywords. However, not all servers implement this feature. If you need transactions, you also need an experienced database administrator to optimize your SQL and your application in general, so you won't find any reference to that here. Sometimes used as a simpler scheme in place of transactions, table locking is available for instance on MySQL. Refer to the MySQL manual for further information on the topic.