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Provided by module: Tags: RXML 2 tags

Reads tag definitions, user defined if plugins and variables from a file or package and includes into the current page.


The file itself is not inserted into the page. This only affects the environment in which the page is parsed. The benefit is that the package file needs only be parsed once, and the compiled versions of the user defined tags can then be used, thus saving time. It is also a fairly good way of creating templates for your website. Just define your own tags for constructions that appears frequently and save both space and time. Since the tag definitions are cached in memory, make sure that the file is not dependent on anything dynamic, such as form variables or client settings, at the compile time. Also note that the use tag only lets you define variables in the form and var scope in advance. Variables with the same name will be overwritten when the use tag is parsed.



Show a list of all available packages.


Reads all tags, container tags and defines from the given package. Packages are files located by default in ../rxml_packages/.


Reads all tags and container tags and defines from the file.

This file will be fetched just as if someone had tried to fetch it with an HTTP request. This makes it possible to use Pike script results and other dynamic documents. Note, however, that the results of the parsing are heavily cached for performance reasons. If you do not want this cache, use <insert file='...' nocache='1'> instead.


Show a list of all defined tags/containers and if arguments in the file.