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Some Terminology
Arithmetical Operations
Operations on Complex Types
Logical Expressions
Bitwise Operations
Operations on Sets
Type Conversions
The Comma Operator
Call and Splice
Operator Precedence and Associativity

Arithmetical Operations

Pike can do all the usual arithmetic operations: addition (which is expressed with the operator +), subtraction (-), division (/), multiplication (*), and also modulo (%). The modulo operation, sometimes called "remainder" or "rest", gives the remainder from a division. For example, if you divide 7 by 3, 3 goes in 7 two times. But there is a remainder of 1, and that is the result of the modulo operation.

Here is a table of the arithmetic operations:



a + b

the sum of a and b


a - b

b subtracted from a


- a

minus a


a * b

a multiplied by b


a / b

a divided by b


a % b

the remainder of a division between a and b

Remember that pike makes a difference between numerical values that are integers (the type int), and numerical values that are real or "floating-point" numbers (the type float). This has some importance for how expressions with arithmetic operations are calculated by Pike. If at least one of the operands is a float, we use the floating-point versions of the operation. In if both operands are integers, we use a special integer-only version of the operation. For most of the operations, the only difference is that the type of the result will be different: 2 + 2 will give the integer value 4, while 2 + 2.0 will give the floating-point value 4.0. But with division is more important.

With floating-point division, such as in 9.0 / 4.0, the result is a floating-point value, in this case 2.25. But with integer division, such as in 9 / 4, the result is only the integer part, in this case 2.

The fact that integer division only gives the integer part can be treacherous: If 73 out of 92 people payed their income tax on time, don't try to calculate the percentage with the expression 73 / 92 * 100. That would give the result 0.

It is very common in programs to increment or decrement a variable with one, such as in the statements

i = i + 1;
p = p - 1;

To simplify such programs, Pike has these extra operators, which you can use if you want to:



++ a

increments a and returns the new value for a


-- a

decrements a and returns the new value for a

Post increment

a ++

increments a and returns the old value for a

Post decrement

a --

decrements a and returns the old value for a

The two versions of increment, ++i and i++, both increment the value in the variable i with 1. The difference is if we want to use them as parts of a larger expression. In that case, ++i gives the new, incremented, contents of i as value, while i++ gives the old contents of i as value. The same difference applies to --i and i--.