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DocsPike7.0TutorialErrors and Error Handling
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Error Messages from Pike
Error Handling: the Concept
Detecting an Error
Handling the Error
Error Codes
catch and throw

Handling the Error

After an error is detected, it can be handled in different ways. The web browser uses two ways: trying again, and terminating the program with an error message. If the user gave a zero-length web address, the program asks again.

If you want to terminate the program, this is a common code snippet:

if(result_of_something == 0)
  werror("Failed to open the file called '" +
         file_name + "'\n");

The call to exit will terminate the program. An argument greater than 0 to exit, or as a return value from main, means that the program failed in some way.

The built-in function werror prints a string on the standard error output (Stdio.stderr) instead of the normal standard output (Stdio.stdout). This has a higher chance of being seen by the user, since if you re-direct the output from a program, like this:

webbrowser.pike > output.txt

then the standard output will be printed to the file output.txt, but the standard error output will still be printed on the screen.