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DocsRoxenWebServer 5.4System Developer Manual PikeThe Roxen Module API
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Introduction to Roxen Modules
The Module Type Calling Sequence
Constants Common to All Modules
Callback Methods Common to All Modules
API Methods Common to All Modules
Module Variables
Tag Modules
Location (Filesystem) Modules
File Extension Modules
Filter Modules
Authentication Modules
Logger Modules
First Modules
Last Modules
Provider Modules
Content Type Modules
Directory Listing Modules

Authentication Modules


The MODULE_AUTH API described on this page is likely subject to change in the not too distant future.

array|int auth(array(string) auth, RequestID id)

The auth method of your MODULE_AUTH type module is called when the browser sent either of the Authorization or Proxy-Authorization HTTP headers (see RFC 2617).

The auth argument passed is calculated as header_content/"", but where the second element is base64-decoded (meaning that you will not need to do so yourself). A typical auth array you might receive could look like ({ "Basic", "Aladdin:open sesame" }), where Aladdin would be the user name the client logged in with, and "open sesame" his password.

The three elements in the returned array are, in order:

  1. an int(0..1) signifying authentication failure (0) or success (1)

  2. a string with the username (authenticated or not)

  3. when failed, a string with the password used for the failed authentication attempt, otherwise the integer zero.

See also Roxen.http_auth_required() and Roxen.http_proxy_auth_required().

string user_from_uid(int uid, RequestID|void id)

Return the login name of the user with uid 'uid'.

array(string) userlist(RequestID|void id)

Return an array of all valid user names.

array(string|int) userinfo(string user, RequestID|void id)

Return /etc/passwd-style user information for the user whose login name is 'user'. The returned array consists of:

({ login name,
   crypted password,
   used id,
   group id,
   login shell

All entries should be strings, except uid and gid, which should be integers.