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DocsRoxen2.1Web Site Creator ManualHTTP Tags
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HTTP tags are tags that somehow use or manipulate the URL or HTTP headers. Among other things they manipulate:

Prestate options

Prestate options are a way to present options in the URL, that will be persistent for a user over several pages. A prestate for the options txt and en would be stored as,txt)/ in the URL. If you use prestate options you must only use relative URLs in your links.


Cookies are a way for a web site to store a small amount of information in the users browsers. It is a much better way than prestates to handle information that should be persistent for a user over several pages. Read more about cookies in RFC 2965.


HTTP can be used to transmit a user name and a password through HTTP. Note that it isn't possible to use HTTP to end an authenticated session, since no HTTP-command exist that enables a user to logout from a server. To effectively be logged out from a server the user must kill her browser. Read more about HTTP authentication in RFC 2617.


It is possible to tell the browser, and any proxy on the way to it, how long it is to cache a page.

[More about HTTP]

Name Description Needed Module 
<aconf>   Creates a link that can modify the persistent states in the cookie RoxenConfig.   RXML 2 tags  
<apre>   Creates a link that can modify prestates.   RXML 2 tags  
<auth-required>   Adds an HTTP auth required header and return code (401), that will force the user to supply a login name and password.   RXML 2 tags  
<expire-time>   Sets client cache expire time for the document.   RXML 2 tags  
<header>   Adds a HTTP header to the page sent back to the client.   RXML 2 tags  
<killframe>   This tag adds some JavaScript that will prevent others from putting the page in a frame.   Kill frame  
<redirect>   Redirects the user to another page.   RXML 2 tags  
<remove-cookie>   Sets the expire-time of a cookie to a date that has already occured. This forces the browser to remove it.   RXML 2 tags  
<return>   Changes the HTTP return code for this page.    RXML 2 tags  
<set-cookie>   Sets a cookie that will be stored by the user's browser.   RXML 2 tags  
<throttle>   This tag determines a request's allocated bandwidth.   Throttling control tags