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Flow Tags

Flow tags control and guide the flow of RXML code through conditions and error checking. Like the If Tags these tags can be used to create advanced dynamic pages. These tags are unlike the If tags as they don't take any attributes that process or find information, only attributes that affect the tag itself.

The tags <throw> and <catch> for instance, are used to help programmers more easily debug their code.

Name Description Needed Module 
<catch>   Evaluates the RXML code, and, if nothing goes wrong, returns the parsed contents.   RXML 2 tags  
<cond>   This tag makes a boolean test on a specified list of cases.   RXML 2 parser  
<for>   Makes it possible to create loops in RXML.   RXML 2 tags  
<throw>   Throws a text to be caught by <catch>.   RXML 2 tags