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<!--#echo -->

Provided by module: Tags: SSI support

Prints a variable from the server or request.

Some of the most useful ones are "http referrer" (the page which contained the link to the current page), "last modified" (date of the file for this document), "remote user" (name of the user), and "remote addr" (IP number of the user/client machine).

Note that these variables are SSI-related. You cannot access them as RXML variables, nor use this tag to print RXML variables.



Print format for file sizes.

var="document name"

Name of the current document (= page). RXML counterpart: &page.self;.

<!--#echo var="document name" -->

var="document uri"

URI (URL) to the current page. RXML counterpart: &page.url;.

<!--#echo var="document uri" -->

var="date local"

Time and date, in current time zone. RXML counterpart: <date strftime="%c"/>

var="date gmt"

Time and date, GMT time zone. RXML counterpart: <date timezone="GMT" strftime="%c"/>

var="last modified"

Last time this document was modified. RXML counterpart: <modified/>.

var="server software"

The web server software. RXML counterpart: &roxen.version;.

var="server name"

The web server name. RXML counterpart: &roxen.domain;.

var="remote host"

Name of client machine. RXML counterpart: &;.

var="remote addr"

Numeric IP address of client machine. RXML counterpart: &client.ip;.

var="auth type"

Authentication type (typically Basic).

var="remote user"

Client user name.

var="http referrer"

URL of the referring page. RXML counterpart: &client.referrer;.

var="gateway interface"

Answers "CGI/1.1".

var="http cookie"

A list of the set cookies.

<!--#echo var="http cookie" -->


A list of the set cookies. Same as http cookie.

var="http accept"

A list of the http accept formats.

<!--#echo var="http accept" -->
Unknown variable (http accept).

var="http user agent"

The user agent string. RXML counterpart: &client.Fullname;.

var="path translated"

Translated path.

var="query string unescaped"

The query string.

var="request method"

Request method (typically GET).

var="server protocol"

Protocol used for request.

var="server port"

Server's port number.