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Emit Tags

This chapter discusses the use of <emit> and its various sources.

Name Description Needed Module 
<emit cimg>   Entitybased version of <cimg>.   Image converter  
<emit dir>   This plugin is used to generate directory listings.   Dir emit source  
<emit fonts>   Prints available fonts.   RXML 2 tags  
<emit known-langs>   Outputs all languages partially supported by roxen for writing numbers, weekdays et c.   Additional RXML tags  
<emit languages>   Outputs language descriptions.   Preferred Language Analyzer  
<emit ldap>   Use this source to search LDAP directory for information.   LDAP tags  
<emit path>   Prints paths.   Directory Listings  
<emit sources>   Provides a list of all available emit sources.   RXML 2 parser  
<emit sql>   Use this source to connect to and query SQL databases for information.   SQL tags  
<emit values>   Splits the string provided in the values attribute and outputs the parts in a loop.    RXML 2 parser  
<emit>   Provides data, fetched from different sources, as entities.    RXML 2 parser