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Provided by module: LDAP tags

Executes a LDAP operation, but doesn't do anything with the result.The <ldap> tag is mostly used for LDAP operation that change the contents of the directory, for example add or modify.


server="LDAP URL" (Server URL)

Connection LDAP URL. If omitted the Default server URL will be used.


User password for connection to the directory server. If omitted the default will be used.

dn="distinguished name"

Distinguished name of object.


The actual LDAP operation.

Note that op='modify' will change only the attributes given by the attr attribute.

attr="attribute_name1:[(attribute_value1[,... ])][,attribute_name2,...]"

The actual values of attributes.

for example:



If specified, the query will be parsed by the RXML parser. This is useful if the operation is to be built dynamically.