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Container Types

These are the container types in Pike:

  • array or "vector" (written array in Pike)

  • mapping, "dictionary" or "associative array" (written mapping)

  • multiset or "bag" (written multiset)

A data item of a container type can contain other data items. The container types are also reference types: When a data item of a container type is stored in a variable, it is not the data item itself that is stored, but a reference to it.

The Data Type array

As described earlier in this tutorial, an array is a container that can contain a sequence of elements. The elements are numbered from 0 and on.

array(string) b;     // Array of strings
b = ({ "foo", "bar", "fum" });
b[1] = "bloo";       // Replaces "bar" with "bloo"

As you can see, array literals are written as comma-separated lists inside parenthesis-curly-bracket quotes. The data type of an array that can contain elements of the data type datatype is array(datatype). The data type array(mixed), i. e. an array that can contain any types of values, can also be written just array.

An array variable that hasn't been given a value contains 0, and not an empty array. If you want an empty array, you have to give it explicitly:

array(string) a1;       // a1 contains 0
a1 = ({ });             // Now a1 contains an empty array
array(int) a2 = ({ });  // a2 contains an empty array

As described earlier, you can access the elements in an array, either to just get the value or to replace it. This is usually called indexing the array. Indexing is done by writing the position number, or index, within square brackets after the array:

b[1] = "bloo";
c[1] = b[2];

Note that the first position in an array is numbered 0 and not 1, and the second one is numbered 1, and so on.

A special feature is that you can use negative indices: array[-1] means the last position in the array array, array[-2] the next-to-last position, and so on.

An array can contain any type of values, including other arrays. In that case, you may need several indexing operators after each other:

array(array(int)) aai = ({
  ({ 7, 9, 8 }),
  ({ -4, 9 }),
  ({ 100, 1, 2, 4, 17 })

write("aai[2][3] is " + aai[2][3] + "\n");

This will print aai[2][3] is 4.

It is sometimes important to differentiate between two array expressions being equal, and two that also are the same. Whenever you write an array literal in your program, you get a new array. This array is only the same as itself, but it can be equal to other arrays. After executing the following code snippet, the variables a and b will refer to the same array, but c will refer to an array that is just equal to the first one.

array(string) a = ({ "foo", "bar" });
array(string) b = a;
array(string) c = ({ "foo", "bar" });

Here are some of the many things that you can do with arrays:

  • Check if it is an array

    The function arrayp returns 1 if the value something is an array, otherwise 0.

  • Extract a range

    array[] returns a new array, containing the elements at the index from up to and including the index to.

    ({ 1, 7, 3, 3, 7 })[ 1..3 ] gives the result ({ 7, 3, 3 }).

    The form array[from..] will give the elements starting at index from and to the end of the array. The form array[] will give the elements from the start of the array, up to and including index to.

  • Comparing arrays

    array1 == array2 returns 1 if array1 and array2 are the same array, otherwise 0. They have to be the same array, not just equal. Given the variable definition

    array(int) a = ({ 7, 1 });

    this will be true:

    a == a

    but this will be false:

    ({ 7, 1 }) == ({ 7, 1 })

    You can also use the operator !=, which means "not same". The relational operators (<, >, etc) do not work with arrays.

  • Comparing arrays (again)

    equal(array1, array2) returns 1 if array1 and array2 look the same, otherwise 0. Two arrays look the same if they have the same number of elements, and each two corresponding elements in the two arrays look the same. For example, this will be return 1:

    equal( ({ 7, 1 }), ({ 7, 1 }) );
  • Concatenation

    array1 + array2 returns a new array with the elements from both arrays, in the same order. This is a simple concatenation of the arrays, so duplicate elements are of course not removed.

    ({ 7, 1, 1 }) + ({ 1, 3 }) gives the result ({ 7, 1, 1, 1, 3 }).

  • Union

    array1 | array2 returns a new array with the elements that are present in array1, or in array2, or in both. The elements in the result can come in any order, and duplicates may or may not be removed.

    ({ 7, 1 }) | ({ 3, 1 }) gives the result ({ 7, 3, 1 }).

  • Intersection

    array1 & array2 returns a new array with the elements that are present in both arrays. The elements in the result can come in any order, and duplicates may or may not be removed.

    ({ 7, 1 }) & ({ 3, 1 }) gives the result ({ 1 }).

  • Difference

    array1 - array2 returns a new array with the elements in the array array1 that are not also present in the array array2. The elements in the result can come in any order, and duplicates may or may not be removed.

    ({ 7, 1 }) - ({ 3, 1 }) gives the result ({ 7 }).

  • Exclusive or

    array1 ^ array2 returns a new array with the elements that are present in array1 or in array2, but not in both. The elements in the result can come in any order, and duplicates may or may not be removed.

    ({ 7, 1 }) ^ ({ 3, 1 }) gives the result ({ 7, 3 }).

  • Division
    array / delimiter

    This will split the array array into an array of arrays. If the delimiter is an array, the array array will be split at each occurrence of that array:

    ({ 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 77 }) / ({ 1, 2 }) gives the result ({ ({ 7 }), ({ 3, 4 }), ({ }), ({ 77 }) }).

    If the delimiter is an integer, the array array will be split into arrays of size delimiter, with any extra elements ignored:

    ({ 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 }) / 3 gives the result ({ ({ 7, 1, 2 }), ({ 3, 4, 1 }), ({ 2 }) }).

    If you convert the same integer to a floating-point number, the extra elements will not be thrown away:

    ({ 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 }) / 3.0 gives the result ({ ({ 7, 1, 2 }), ({ 3, 4, 1 }) }).

  • Modulo
    array % integer

    This gives the extra elements that would be ignored in the division operation array / integer:

    ({ 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 }) % 3 gives the result ({ 2 }).

  • Finding the size

    sizeof(array) returns the number of elements in the array array.

    sizeof( ({ }) ) gives the result 0.

  • Allocating an empty array

    This will create an array with size elements. size is an integer. All the elements will have the value 0.

  • Reversing an array

    reverse(array) returns a new array with the elements in the array array in reverse order: with the first element last, and so on. This operation creates a copy, and does not change the array array itself.

  • Finding an element in an array

    search(haystack, needle) returns the index of the first occurrence of an element equal to the needle in the array haystack. The comparison is done with ==, so the element must be the same as the needle.

  • Replacing elements in an array

    replace(array, old, new) replaces all the elements that are equal (with ==) to old with new. This operation does not create a copy, but changes the array array itself.

The Data Type mapping

Mappings are sometimes called dictionaries or associative arrays. A mapping lets you translate from one value (such as "beer") to another value ("cerveza"). This is possible since the mapping contains index-value pairs, consisting of two data items. If you know the index, Pike can quickly find the corresponding value for you.

A mapping literal can be written as a comma-separated list of index-value pairs inside parenthesis-square-bracket quotes:

([ "beer" : "cerveza", "cat" : "gato", "dog" : "perro" ])

The data type of a mapping with indices of the type index-type and values of the type value-type is written mapping(index-type : value-type). The data type mapping(mixed:mixed), i. e. a mapping that can contain any types of indices and values, can also be written just mapping.

Here are a few variables that can contain mappings:

mapping(string:string) m;
mapping(int:float) mif = ([ 1:3.6, -19:73.0 ]);
mapping(string:string) english2spanish = ([
  "beer" : "cerveza",
  "cat" : "gato",
  "dog" : "perro"
mapping(mixed:int) m2i = ([ 19.0 : 3, "foo" : 17 ]);

A mapping variable that hasn't been given a value contains 0, and not an empty mapping. If you want an empty mapping, you have to give it explicitly:

mapping(string:float) m1;  // m1 contains 0
m1 = ([ ]);   // Now m1 contains an empty mapping
mapping(int:int) m2 = ([ ]);
              // m2 contains an empty mapping

When you want to look up a value in the mapping, you use the same indexing operator as for arrays: write the index within square brackets after the mapping. You can use this both to just retrieve values, and to change them:

write(english2spanish["cat"]); // Prints "gato"
english2spanish["dog"] = "gato";
    // Now, english2spanish["dog"] is "gato" too
english2spanish["beer"] = english2spanish["cat"];
    // Now, all values are "gato"

Index-value pairs can be inserted in the mapping either by writing them in the mapping literal, or with the indexing operator.

There is no specific order between the index-value pairs in a mapping, so there is no difference between the following two mapping literals:

([ 1:2, 3:4 ])
([ 3:4, 1:2 ])

If you try to look up an index that hasn't been inserted in the mapping, the indexing operator will return 0:

english2spanish["cat"]     // Gives "gato"
english2spanish["glurble"] // Gives 0

Lookups are done using ==, so the thing used as index in the lookup must be the same as the thing used when inserting things in the mapping. Remember that arrays, mappings and multisets may look the same, without being the same. Look at this example:

mapping(array(int) : int) m = ([ ]);
array(int) a = ({ 1, 2 });
m[a] = 3;

After running this code snippet, the expression m[a] will give the value 3, but the expression m[ ({ 1, 2 }) ] will give the value 0.

Mappings are similar to arrays. If you had a mapping from integers (to something), and used the integer values 0, 1, 2, and so on, in order, this mapping would work very much like an array. But mappings are much more flexible, since you can use any type of values as indices. They are also slower and take up more space in the computer's memory.

Here are some useful things that you can do with mappings:

  • Check if it is a mapping

    The function mappingp returns 1 if the value something is a mapping, otherwise 0.

  • Comparing mappings

    mapping1 == mapping2 returns 1 if mapping1 and mapping2 are the same mapping, otherwise 0. Just as with arrays, they have to be the same mapping, not just equal. You can also use the operator !=, which means "not same". The relational operators (<, >, etc) do not work with mappings.

  • Comparing mappings (again)

    equal(mapping1, mapping2) returns 1 if mapping1 and mapping2 look the same, otherwise 0.

  • Getting just the indices

    indices(mapping) returns an array containing all the indices from the index-value pairs in the mapping mapping.

  • Getting just the values

    values(mapping) returns an array containing all the values from the index-value pairs in the mapping mapping. If you retrieve the indices (with indices) and the values (with values) from the same mapping, without performing any other mapping operations in between, the returned arrays will be in the same order. They can be be used as arguments to mkmapping to create an equivalent copy of the mapping.

  • Create a mapping

    mkmapping(index-array, value-array) builds a new mapping with indices from the array index-array, and the corresponding values from the array value-array.

  • Union
    mapping1 | mapping2

    You can use set operations such as union (|) on mappings. All the indices in a mapping are considered as a set, and the set operators work with these sets. The values just "tag along".

    The union operator returns a new mapping with the elements that are present in mapping1, or in mapping2, or in both. If an index is present in both mappings, the value part of the resulting index-value pair will come from the right-hand mapping (mapping2). Example:

    ([ 1:2, 3:4 ]) | ([ 3:5, 6:7 ]) gives the result ([ 1:2, 3:5, 6:7 ]).

    But note that the elements in a mapping don't have a specified order.

    The addition operator (+) is a synonym for union (|) on mappings.

  • Intersection

    mapping1 & mapping2 returns a new mapping with the elements that are present in both mappings. The value parts of the resulting index-value pairs will come from the right-hand mapping (mapping2).

    ([ 1:2, 3:4 ]) & ([ 3:5, 6:7 ]) gives the result ([ 3:5 ]).

  • Difference

    mapping1 - mapping2 returns a new mapping with the elements in the mapping mapping1 that are not also present in the mapping mapping2.

    ([ 1:2, 3:4 ]) - ([ 3:5, 6:7 ]) gives the result ([ 1:2 ]).

  • Exclusive or

    mapping1 ^ mapping2 returns a new mapping with the elements that are present in mapping1 or in mapping2, but not in both.

    ([ 1:2, 3:4 ]) ^ ([ 3:5, 6:7 ]) gives the result ([ 1:2, 6:7 ]).

  • Finding the size

    sizeof(mapping) returns the number of index-value pairs in the mapping mapping.

    sizeof( ([ ]) ) gives the result 0.

  • Finding a value in an mapping
    search(haystack, needle)

    This is a "reverse lookup" that searches among the values of the index-value pairs instead of among the indices. It returns the index of the index-value pair that has the value needle in the mapping haystack. If there are several index-value pairs that have the same needle as value, any of them can be chosen. The comparison is done with ==, so the element must be the same as the needle. Example:

    search(([ 1:2, 3:4, 4:5, 7:4 ]), 4) gives either 3 or 7.

  • Replacing values in an mapping

    replace(mapping, old, new) replaces all the values that are equal (with ==) to old with new. This operation does not create a copy, but changes the mapping mapping itself. Example:

    replace(([ 1:2, 2:3, 3:2 ]), 2, 17) gives the result ([ 1:17, 2:3, 3:17 ]).

  • Checking if an index is present

    zero_type(mapping[index]) returns 0 if the index index is present in the mapping mapping, otherwise it returns something other than 0. This can be useful to discriminate between an index that isn't present in the mapping, and one that is present but associated with the value 0:

    if(temp["sauna"] == 0)
        write("We don't know the temp in the sauna.\n");
        write("It's mighty cold in that sauna.\n");

The Data Type multiset

A set is something where a value is either a member or not. A multiset (sometimes called a "bag") is a set where a value can be a member several times. The multiset can contain several copies of the same value.

A multiset literal can be written as a comma-separated list of the elements, inside (< >) like this:

(< "foo", "bar", "fum", "foo", "foo" >)

The data type of a set with elements of the type element-type is written multiset(element-type). The data type multiset(mixed:mixed), i. e. a multiset that can contain any types of elements, can also be written just multiset.

Here are a few variables that can contain multisets:

multiset(string) m;
multiset(int) mi = (< 1, -19, 0 >);
multiset(string) dogs = (< "Fido", "Buster" >);

A multiset variable that hasn't been given a value contains 0, and not an empty multiset. If you want an empty multiset, you have to give it explicitly:

multiset(string) m1;  // m1 contains 0
m1 = (< >);  // Now m1 contains an empty multiset
multiset(int) m2 = (< >);
             // m2 contains an empty multiset

Multisets are very similar to mappings, except that:

  • Multisets just have elements, not index-value pairs.

  • You can have multiple instances of the same element in a multiset, while in a mapping you can only have the same index in one single index-value pair.

Multisets also use the indexing operator, to see if an element is present, and to add and remove elements:

  write("Fido is one of my dogs.\n");
  write("Dirk is not one of my dogs.\n");
dogs["Kicker"] = 1; // Add Kicker to the set
dogs["Buster"] = 0; // Remove Buster

As you can see, you can write

multiset[element] = 1

to add the element element to the multiset multiset, and

multiset[element] = 0

to remove it. Your program may be easier to understand if you use set operations instead:

dogs |= (< "Kicker" >); // Add Kicker to the set
dogs -= (< "Buster" >); // Remove Buster

There is no specific order between the index-value pairs in a multiset, so there is no difference between the following two multiset literals:

(< "foo", "bar" >)
(< "bar", "foo" >)

Here are some useful things that you can do with multisets:

  • Check if it is a multiset

    The function multisetp returns 1 if the value something is a multiset, otherwise 0.

  • Comparing multisets

    multiset1 == multiset2 returns 1 if multiset1 and multiset2 are the same multiset, otherwise 0. Just as with arrays, they have to be the same multiset, not just equal. You can also use the operator !=, which means "not same". The relational operators (<, >, etc) do not work with multisets.

  • Comparing multisets (again)

    equal(multiset1, multiset2) returns 1 if multiset1 and multiset2 look the same, otherwise 0.

  • Set operations

    All the set operations work with multisets: union (|), difference (-), intersection (&), and exclusive or (^).