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URL tags

URL tags are tags that somehow use or manipulate the URL or HTTP headers. Among other things they manipulate;

prestate options
Prestate options are a way to present options in the URL, that will be persistent for a user over several pages. A prestate for the options txt and en would be stored as,txt)/ in the URL. If you use prestate options you must only use relative URLs in your links.

Cookies are a way for a web site to store a small amount of information in the users' browsers. It is a much better way than prestates to handle information that should be persistent for a user over several pages.

HTTP can be used to transmit a user name and a password through HTTP.

It is possible to tell the browser, and any proxy on the way to it, how long it is to cache a page.
The URL tags are:
Adds or removes prestate options.

Adds or removes config options.

Sets a cookie that will be stored by the user's browser.

Removes a cookie.

Adds an HTTP auth required header and return code, that will force the user to supply a login name and password.

Sets the expire-time for the document.

Adds an HTTP header to the result from page.

Adds an HTTP redirect header and return code to the response from the page.

Changes the HTTP return code for this page.

Prevents your page from being placed in a frame,